Finding Dr. Waner in NYC

Pre-LaserHello Friends and Family,

We got home from our New York trip today. We could not be any happier. We have found our hemangioma doctors and the right place to cure Kaylynn. All of our doctors are experts on hemangioma's. They have published the most papers on hemangioma's and see many of them every day. 

Tuesday our day starting with seeing Dr. Waner the hemangioma specialist. Dr. Waner is a true miracle healer. That was not just our words but of the 20 people sitting in his waiting room and all the nurses at the hospital. He truly changes and saves kids lives. It was so nice to sit with all these other families and talk about our experiences with hemangiomas. You would be amazed at all the other hemangiomas out there in the world. Some of the kids we met had them growing under their tongue, growing on top of their heads, growing in their eyes. 

After leaving Dr. Waner's office we rushed over to see Dr. Fran Blei a hematologist who works with Dr. Waner on managing kids with "the H" and steroids. She checked everything on Kaylynn. She is reviewing all of her tests and believes we will be lowering our dosage of steroids immediately. Less Poison! 

Dr.Blei then sent us straight to Dr. Ceisler, ophthalmologist. She double checked Kaylynn's eye and all is clear and good. She was so happy to see how well her eye was doing.

So we woke up at 5am on Thursday and headed to the hospital to get our first laser treatment with Dr. Waner. Larry and I were emotional putting on her little clown gown and waiting. But we were 100% confident in Dr. Waner and were so excited to start getting rid of "the H" and decreasing steroids.

While waiting the short 25 minutes for Kaylynn to come out, we met another family from South Carolina that had their little 11 week old girl scoped for a throat "H" and a steroid injection for a large "H" growing out of the left side of her cheek. She was so precious! We just felt in the right place and it felt good to support each other. Her little girl, Cameron, came out first. No "H" in the throat, good news. Cameron was quite and content.

Next came out Kaylynn, just screaming away. Our little fighter. You gotta love NY nurses all saying, "you go girl, tell them about it" Poor patients trying to recover from their surgeries listening to her scream. Good news is that Kaylynn comes out of anesthesia, but she does not like it at all. She then sleep peacefully.

Dr. Waner and his partner said they could not have asked for better results. She looks black and blue, but all the black is where the laser took effect right away, and she was covered in black. YES! They can only estimate, but Dr. Waner believes that we will have another 3-5 more treatments and it will be gone. It could be completely gone by the time she turns one!!!!

Our prayers are being answered! We are so fortunate to have such wonderful friend and family support us. THANK YOU! We are blessed! Thank you for all offering your help. It helps us continue each day and keeps us moving. Thank you Mama and Papa for taking care of Reeve for 4 days. We love you all! 

Our next trip is scheduled for June 11th in four weeks. We will keep you updated. Keep the prayers coming! They are being answered and and the end is in sight! BTW, WE LOVE NY Doctors! :)

The picture of Larry and Kaylynn was before laser. The picture with Traci & Kaylynn is after laser. Look at the black spots.

Daddy & Kaylynn

Mommy & Kaylynn Post Laser

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