Laser Treatment Number 14,  Trip Number 15

October 8-10, 2009

Kaylynn is 2.5 years old now and definitely not happy to go to any doctors appointments anymore.   Larry, Kaylynn and I flew out to Irvine CA on Thursday of our next laser treatment.  Brother Reeve wanted to stay home, go to Kindergarten, play soccer, and play with friends.     

During this trip, we were scheduled to get a laser treatment and attend the Vascular Birthmark Conference.    Which was a bonus because we got to stay at a very nice hotel in Orange County for little cost.     The Fashion Island Hotel.    They surprised the kids with sponges that spelled their names, bubble bath, lotion, and kids shampoo.    And cute little kids ropes.  Kaylynn immediately wanted a bubble bath jumping on the bed in her bath rope.  

Tic Tac ToeWhen we returned to the room from eating dinner, they left a jar of milk, Tic Tac Toe plate with M&M's and square cookies, and two Bongo stuffed monkey dolls.   It was a nice surprise.

Friday morning we had laser treatment and Kaylynn was not happy.   She is very aware of what we are doing now, and it is emotionally hard on Larry and I.   Laser treatment went well, but Kaylynn could get out of there fast enough.  She was pissed.  My little strong girl.   Love it!    I would be pissed too.   She kept saying in the car, NO MORE DOCTORS, with tears in her eyes.  I just started to cry while driving.  

Dr. Nelson says 3-4 more lasers.   That is what we heard on the first laser,  so who knows.   Larry and I will wait and see what happens with the change.   We are very happy with where we are right now. We want to take a break, enjoy the holidays and go from there.   We are excited about how far we have come.

After Laser, Kaylynn and I headed to our friends the Gilmours.   Kaylynn loves playing with their twin girls that are 10 days older than her, and I get to be with my dear friend, Kelli.    We had a blast  but both exhausted from a 5am to 10pm day.    It was so worth it to see them and great to get Kaylynn's  mind off her laser.    Thank you for having us Gilmours.

BirthmarkLarry took Friday and worked at the hotel and then attended the Vascular Birthmark Conference dinner and sessions.  He was able to talk and help a few families,  pay it forward always.   That night the hotel left Kaylynn and Reeve two more stuffed Monkey's bongo and milk and cookies.   They were good!

So another trip down, and We are sOOOOOOOO  ready to be done.     But we are so happy to be able to fix Kaylynn's face and that she is a healthy ACTIVE child.

Thank you for all your prayers, warm thoughts and words.    I'm ready for the holidays!


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