Round 13 Irvine, CA Laser Treatment

March 18 , 2009 

13 LaserIt was time to go back for Laser in CA, so we thought we would make a Spring Break trip of it.    So we took off for Los Angeles again on Tuesday, March 17th.    The flight went well, well as good as a flight can go with our very active 2 year old.    Reeve does very well now.  

After getting our rental car, we headed to Irvine and played on Newport Beach.  Larry and I watch all the St. Patty's day partying in jealousy.    It was a beautiful day and the kids loved the sand again.  
Wednesday Kaylynn had laser with Dr. Nelson again.   She did incredible as usual.   She did not get back to Laser surgery until 1pm our time and didn't complain about not eating or drinking for 17 plus hours.   She just knows.   Mommy & Daddy were getting weak and headaches. Reeve even held off for us.  
Laser treatment went well again.  Dr. Nelson was very happy with the results from the last laser which was good.    The results from Laser 12 was AMAZING!    Larry and I looked at each other a week later and said "it is gone."
Right after Laser treatment,   we headed down to Carlsbad and when to Legoland's Sea Life.   That's our Kaylynn wake up from Laser sugery, take a nap in the car, and go to an aquarium.   It is what we do and we move forward and enjoy life.   There was hardly any people at Sea Life,  so we had a blast looking at all the aquariums and playing together.
LegolandThursday we went to Legoland.   It was awesome!    Perfect for little kids.   Clean, not too big, and lots of fun rides.  You have to be 34 inches to ride most of the rides and Kaylynn was just 34 inches and got PISSED when she couldn't ride the bigger rides with brother.   That's my girl!    She has incredible large motor skills, agility, and will do anything the 4 year old brother can do.   People could say "a girl that knows what she wants, and does it".   Or as my friend Jill says,   a little Traci.  :)   You get the point.    Reeve rode his first roller coster with dad and had a blast.   It was a PERFECT day!    
Kaylynn and I are heading back to Irvine, CA again May 26th & 27th for laser and then a long rest through the summer.   YEA!   We wait and see how Kaylynn's skin improves with her growth and go from there.   WE DID IT!       10 Trips to NYC,   3 Trips to CA   and people don't even notice the "H" anymore.    Our hearts are so happy!
I got my port a cath, where my chemo was administered,  last Friday.   I was up in the clouds smiling all day.   No longer need it,  SO LONG CANCER!     I must say,  "life is really incredible right now".    I am getting stronger everyday,  we have normal routines and schedule (and I appreciate it everyday),  I'm healing myself with positive energy, and we really can't complain about anything.     Well, we could use more date nights  from our very active children,  but Larry and I are working on that.     LOVING LIFE!   
I finally updated It has some latest pics of Kaylynn.
Thank you for always being there,
Traci, Larry, Reeve & Kaylynn


13th Laser


Sea Life

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